News → Pre season training info!
Well it is hard to believe we are talking about pre-season training but time is certainly flying by. We ended last season on a great note with a number of teams getting promoted and this season we want to do the same!
Pre-Season Training for junior and senior teams will kick off on Tuesday 9th August at 7pm on the main pitch in Beaufort. Training will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 7 – 9pm until September.
7 – 8pm – Physical
8 – 9pm – Skills Training
7-9pm – Skills
In order to ensure we are making a fair team selection and that everyone is seen, we will have a number of trial games in August and early September. Team selection will be completed by mid September. We will also have dedicated goalie sessions with Nikki King commencing from Thursday
18th August!! Goalies find out more…..
So make sure to shake off the excess of the Summer and come down to training early so you get fighting fit for the next season and secure your place on a team.