News, Social → Loreto’s Gone to the Dogs!
You may have heard vicious rumours in the past that Loreto has gone to the dogs… we can confirm that, this time, we really are! And it’s in aid of a really worthwhile cause: to raise funds for our replacement hockey pitch.
Our current pitch was laid in 2007. Pitches have a typical lifespan of 10 years and, with footfall of 60,000 per annum on our pitch between Loreto HC and the school, the time has come to replace the turf. The replacement pitch will likely cost €270,000, split between the school and club. We’ve been granted a €150,000 grant through the Sports Capital Grant scheme, and will need to raise another €120,000 jointly with the school to finance our replacement pitch. In 2016, we raised €40,000 from Let’s Dance Loreto, and we aim to raise a further €20,000 for our Pitch Replacement Fund by hosting a fundraising race night, LORETO’S GONE TO THE DOGS, on Saturday 24th March at Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium.
We’d really appreciate your support. Here are five ways you can get involved:
There are 12 races on the night. Each race has a main sponsor.
As race sponsor, you will receive the following:
• Half page ad in the race programme (approx. 2,500-3,000 brochures will be issued on the night)
• 10 x entry tickets for the night
• The option of presenting the winning dog and their owner with their winning cheque
• All race sponsors will be announced at the start and end of each race
A professional programme will be produced and given to each person attending on the night. Place your ad in the programme, with the opportunity to reach 2,500-3,000 people.
The costs of adverts are as follows: Full page advert €200 / Half page advert €100
Please note: Deadline for receiving adverts is March 15th
BUY A DOG Cost: €25
There will be 6 dogs in every race.
Buy a dog for €25. If your dog wins, you double your money by winning a €50 voucher for Dundrum Centre.
SUPPORT OUR RAFFLE Cost: €5 each or 5 for €20
We have some SUPER prizes to be won including €500 cash prize, concert tickets, and one that money can’t buy – a private coaching session for your daughter and 11 of her friends with our 3 Internationals, followed by a pizza party and a signed Irish hockey jersey.
The Club would be very grateful if you could purchase some / all of the attached raffle tickets.
The raffle will take place at our Annual Club Dinner on the 28th April 2018.
We anticipate this to be a super fun end of season night out and hope to see all you PUNTERS there!
Buy as many tickets as you like for friends, family, neighbours. Under 18s are more than welcome.
We hope to have a huge club attendance, with an area reserved on the night. There will be musical entertainment after the last race. You’d be BARKING mad to miss out!
Click here to access our online payment system.