News, Social → Loreto Hockey Club Volunteer Projects 2014/15

Loreto Hockey Club Volunteer Projects 2014/15

Nearly 130 volunteers from Loreto Hockey Club – members, associates, friends and family – took part in two volunteer projects for worthy causes this January – in Barretstown, and in Rathmines Women’s Refuge.
93 volunteers, including nearly 30 Transition year students from Loreto High School Beaufort and 3 professional painters, spent a day in Barretstown, a record number for Barretstown for a single group of volunteers. 15 cottages were cleaned from head to toe, the Barretstown Castle received a lick of paint, and the walled garden was cleared ready for Spring planting.
John Fitzgerald, Operations Director of Barretstown said, “We really appreciate the thorough, well organised and highly committed contribution of each and every one on the day.”

Here’s a video snapshot of the Barretstown project. 

The following week 36 volunteers spent six hours at Rathmines Women’s Refuge painting the kitchen and two children’s playrooms, laying fresh floors in the playrooms, clearing up the garden, and painting garden walls and furniture. This time around Loreto Hockey Club had the help of two professional painters, as well as carpet layers.
Lorraine Donohoe of Rathmines Women’s Refuge said, “The amount of work that the Loreto Volunteers did on the day was just phenomenal. We as Staff would never have been able to do what was done on the day.”

Well done to Bronnie and her organising committee, and to everyone who gave their time for such worthy causes.

You can also see (and download) all the photos from the two projects by clicking on the following links:

Barretstown Project photos

Rathmines Women’s Refuge Project photos

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