News, Social → Annual Club Dinner Awards
The highlight of the night was without doubt, the awarding of Honorary Life Membership to Inez Cooper for her 35 years of total dedication to Loreto Hockey Club. This award is the highest award the club can bestow on a member and it was my great pleasure to present it to Inez on the night. Inez you are one in a million and, we as a club, are so lucky to have you as a member.
Well done to everyone who got nominated or won an award, it is a great achievement to be nominated and an even greater achievement to win the award.
- Club Member of The Year – Edel Maxwell
- Best New Member – Dee Mooney
- Most Improved Player – Sinead McGirr
- Schoolgirl of the Year – Sarah Nagle
- Highest Goal Scorer- Phoebe Lyons
- Player of the Year – Zoe Ennis
- Team of the Year – The 5ths
Well done also to the 4ths Team on winning the” Best Video” Award for their hilarious re-make of the famous “Diet Coke” advert. Stephen Spielberg watch out, Loreto are branching into film…
For anybody who did not see the video check it out on the Loreto Hockey Club Facebook or on youtube.
Prez Subo read out an amazing poem about Inez at the club dinner, outlining her achievements and contributions to Loreto Hockey Club. Here is something we can all aspire to:
At this point in the proceedings I would like to pay,
Tribute to a special club member in a unique way!
Inez Cooper – where are you? Stand up take a bow,
I’ve a few facts and figures -with this crowd to wow!
Here’s a poem to recant your hockey career,
A history with Loreto spanning over 34 year!
There were titles, awards, presidencies and cups won,
Hard work, fundraising and of course lots of fun!
We look back to Beaufort School days where it all began,
Running the Games Committee with Gerry, Karen and Ann!
Developing both hockey and organisational skills at an early age,
Great training for the many stints ahead centre stage
It was the bully, not the push back when you started to play,
And the rolling free was still decades away!
In 1979 you first wore the wine and the white,
As a sweeper you defended with determination and might!
On your hockey skills, you always played with style,
You could read a game well and strike the ball a mile!
You were first to the ball whether on grit or on grass,
And consistently hit that perfect long pass!
In those early years in Loreto you liked to tour abroad,
And we can only assume that you’re somewhat a fraud!
Despite the overseas antics, the fun matches and the beer,
You still managed to be awarded Club Member of the Year !
On those trips away you got sense of life beyond AIB,
And saw opportunities in London in your field of IT.
So in 1985 you took a flight to the UK,
Forsaking Tayto and Barry’s Tea was the only way!
It didn’t take you long to find your Hockey legs there,
As a Blackheath Club member – you displayed that Inez flair!
As a skillful league player you were not quite content,
You were also selected to play for the county of Kent!
Inez Cooper – Loreto Honorary Life Member,
Twelve successful years in all – over the water,
Your greatest achievement of course – your lovely daughter!
Aislinn your main goal in life, a home upbringing you yearned
With that in mind- to Dublin, and Loreto you returned!
So once again you wore Loreto colours in 1997,
th Although this time playing for the 4 eleven!!
Not only a player now, but a super coach too
th Who brought cup success to the 6 ‘s out of the blue!
Your passion for hockey and Loreto was always so clear.
And again you were voted Club Member of the Year!
So many committee meetings held from house to house,
Little Aislinn always in tow, as quiet as a mouse!
Your focus, drive and energy were always well spent,
2003 earned you the title of Club President.
With this bigger role, came bigger projects too,
Pitch resurfacing and Club Houses new!
Ten years on we see the realization of your dream,
Look at us now – like the cat with the cream!
And not only Loreto, but the IHA too,
Owe a huge amount of gratitude to you.
Instrumental in setting up the IHL,
A shame you were just to old to play in it as well!
On the Irish Hockey Board you sat two years there,
Now the IHA Competitions Committee you chair,
Lets us not forget that you are also a golf pro.
Three times winner of the Lillis Cup don’t you know?!
Since 1999 a tribute tournament to your Mum,
She would be so proud of the golfer you’ve become.
So what more accolades can you possibly achieve in sport?
Well there is one final award we are thrilled to report!
A Loreto Honorary Life Member we bestow on you here,
We all stand, to applaud, and to give a huge cheer!